Dissection the larynx silicone specimens for medical teaching

The digestive system

The Whole digestive tract , including the digestive tube and digestive glands

The digestive system

The Whole digestive tract , including the digestive tube and digestive glands

The respiratory  system specimens Main Features

1) Silicone Digestive system speicemens  have excellent resistance to high and low temperature, weather resistance, ozone resistance, corrosion resistance, high permeability and labor-saving inert

2) Silicone plastinates are plastinated specimens from real bodies , Plastinates include almost every body part from Organs and nerve system to whole body specimen .

3) Their unique 3D complexity allows muscles and organs to be studied in complete feature without the disadvantageours smell of formalin or decay

4) Plastinates for example give a perfect and complete view of deigestive system , the whole digestive tract , inculdiing the digestive tube and digestive glands

5) Long user life time save costs 

6)Our company uses the technology to prepare silicone rubber specimens soft and tough, easy maintenance and maintenance, mainly to meet the institutions and museum teaching and display display needs

Product Tags animal specimens statue of silicone          specimen          will specimen          the specimen          animal specimens statue of silicone suppliers          specimen test          specimen holder          specimen hex          specimen tray         


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