DTR 500 Dyeing Machine Controller is a device that suitable for any kinds of highor low temperature’s dyeing machines.
- 5.7 inches TFT 256K Color Display with Chinese, English and more language.
- 8 individual PID control loops: 3 loops for temperature control, 2 loops for dosing,2 loops for pressure control and 1 loop speed control can operate indenpently atthe same time.
- Expandable In/Output’s up to 96 digital outputs, and 72 digital inputs, 6 setsPT100 temperature sensors, 12 analog inputs and 12 analog outputs.
- Dye program and dye step can be edit before running, an additional dye programand step can also run during dye program in operating or in a stop state.
- Each of the digital input and output channel can be adapted to another functionsdirectly from controllers.
- Each main function can be operating with 4 parallel functions at the same time.
- Three types of display mode during operating: Schematic Diagram mode formonitoring the whole dyeing process, water level and the valve state. Icon modefor viewing the main and parallel functions at the same time, Program List modefor viewing the main function and all parallel functions at the same time. User canchange the mode at anytime.
- Memorize for the past 15 days of running programs and temperature curves forchecking if necessary.