Continuous rating if drive is part of a common DC bus system. In parallel systems without the DC bus connected, the resistors must be matched to within ±5%.
For high-inertia loads or under continuous braking, the continuous power dissipated in the braking resistor may be as high as the power rating of the drive. The total energy dissipated in the braking resistor is dependent on the amount of energy to be extracted from the load.
The instantaneous power rating refers to the short-term maximum power dissipated during the on intervals of the pulse width modulated braking control cycle. The braking resistor must be able to withstand this dissipation for short intervals (milliseconds). Higher resistance values require proportionately lower instantaneous power ratings.
In most applications, braking occurs only occasionally. This allows the continuous power rating of the braking resistor to be much lower than the power rating of the drive. It is essential, though, that the instantaneous power rating and energy rating of the braking resistor are sufficient for the most extreme braking duty that is likely to be encountered.
Optimization of the braking resistor requires a careful consideration of the braking duty. 86-18965423501 86-18965423501 AMKPLC