Weight: 0.25KG
Dimensions: 3.1x19.1x12.8cm
Frequency Range:0 to 20KHz
Input Voltage Range:0 to 24 VDC
Operation Temperature : -35 to +220°C
Input Resistance :>10 kΩ
Full Description : pro MMS6312 Dual Channel Rotational Speed Monitor The Dual Channel Rotational Speed Measuring Module MMS 6312 measu- res shaft speeds - using outputs from pulse sensors in combination with tigge ring wheels.
The MMS6312 is a Dual Channel Rotational Speed Monitor. The Dual Channel Rotational SpeedMeasuring Module MMS 6312 measu-res shaft speeds - using outputs frompulse sensors in combination with trigge-ring wheels.net.
Such Systems are aiso suitable tobuild up systems to increase the perfor-mance and efficiency, the safety of ope-ration and extend the lifetime of machi-nes such as steam-gas-hydro turbines aswell as compressors, fans,centrifugesand other turbomachines.