The EVS9330-ES Lenze Inverter
•must only be operated under the conditions prescribed in these Instructions.
•are components
– for open and closed loop control of variable speed drives with PM synchronous motors, asynchronous servo motors or asynchronousstandard motors
– for installation in a machine
– for assembly with other components to form a machine.
•are electric units for the installation into control cabinets or similar enclosed operating housing.
•comply with the requirements of the Low-Voltage Directive.
•are not machines for the purpose of the Machinery Directive.
•are not to be used as domestic appliances, but only for industrial purposes.Drive systems with 93XX servo inverters
•comply with the EMC Directive if they are installed according to the guidelines of CE-typical drive systems.
•can be used
– for operation on public and non-public mains
– for operation in industrial premises and residential areas.
•The user is responsible for the compliance of his application with the EC directives