FKGB43-DXC Energy Remote Terminal Unit is embedded with Topscomm self-owned micro-operation system, it is featured with massive memory capacity, high reliability & stability, and real-time online properties. Combing with its load monitoring/controlling/ management function, the device has realized orderly power consumption and off-peak power consumption purpose, has greatly helped the utilities to settle the energy demand management problems, and relieved the power emergency situations. This product has been widely used in the urban, rural and large enterprises owned power projects.
Installation Location: Connection cabinet or distribution cabinet for private transformer owned power users.
Power supply
Active: 0.5 Reactive 1.0
Power consumption
≤10W, 15VA
GPRS/3G/4G/CDMA, PLC etc. replaceable communication modules;
Ethernet, RS232/RS 485, Infrared etc. communication port
Communication protocol
Q/GDW 1376.1-2013, Q/GDW 1376.3-2013; DLMS/COSEM
Startng time
Service life
>10 years
Operation temperature