ZLT-WM1A, in accordance with IEC60335-1 clause 23.3, For continuous bending tests by swivelling movements to check internal wire in normal use or maintenance
ZLT-JDW1. For continuous bending tests by swiveling movements to check supply cord where it enters the appliance, in accordance with IEC60335-2-23 clause 11.101.
ZLT-JDW3R. For continuous bending tests by swiveling movements to check supply cord where it enters the appliance, in accordance with IEC60335 1 clause 25.14 figure 8 and IEC60745 -1. 3 Working Station for 3 specimens simultaneously.
ZLT-DYJ2. To determine the durability of cable coverings, flexible insulating tubing, coats of lacquer, inscriptions, designations and the like at room temperature by scraping to and fro, according to UL1581 test 1690, EN 60730
ZLT-SDJ1. To determine the bending stability at low temperature of insulated cords and cables up to 12,5mm diameter in cold test chambers or freezers with mandrels to 50mm diameter, according to IEC60811-1-4 clause 8.1 figure 1
ZLT-QL1A. adding three pulley flexing test, have a modified carrier C, For checking the mechanical durability of flexible cords and cables by bending them back and forth, according to IEC60245-2/1998-04 figure 1, IEC 60245-2 figure 6 and clause 3.5 table 3. IEC60227-2/1997-11 figure 1, IEC60065 /1998-07 Table 11
Conform to UL 817 clause 99 and figure 99.1 -99.2, for abrupt pull test, rotation test,drop weight test and carrying current test of grouding conductor :0.1-50A