The FBM214 HART Communication Input Interface
Module contains eight 4 to 20 mA group isolated
analog input channels. The FBM214 supports any
mix of standard 4 to 20 mA devices and HART
The FBM214 serves as a HART communications field
device host, enabling the I/A Series system to
request and receive two digital messages per second
from the field device. The message pass-through
capability can be used to support HART universal,
common practice, and device-specific commands,
but not the burst communication mode. These
commands are implemented using the Intelligent
Field Device Configurator (IFDC — refer to
PSS 21S-8A3 B3 for details).
The FBM214 provides a common isolated power
supply to power all eight channels. Optionally, the
channels can be powered by an external power
supply. However, when a common external power
supply is used with two or more channels, a Cable
Balun module is required to prevent channel cross