Product Description:
The 531X135PRGAAM3 is a Programmer Board. The 531X135PRGAAM3 has six Integrated Circuits that hold all the programs for the circuit board to function. The Integrated Circuits are split into two groups called EPROM and EEPROM. Both groups hold the programming data the only difference is the EPROM can be programmed with new data when it becomes available while the EEPROM cannot.
The 531X135PRGAAM3 has thirteen capacitors. The Capacitors are used to store an electric charge, consisting of one or more pairs of conductors separated by an insulator. The 531X135PRGAAM3 has four sets of Jumper Ports. These Jumper Ports come with plastic covers that allow the worker to move them around the circuit board to control the flow of energy.
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Sales manager : John Yang
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