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Products Detail:
General electric
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Communication Interface Board
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In stock
Part No.: IS215VCMIH2BZZ01A
Manufacturer: General Electric
Country of Manufacture: United States of America (USA)
Size: 8.26 cm x 4.19 cm x 12.1 cm
Technology: Surface-mount
Temperature Operating: -30 to 65oC
Product Type: Communication Interface Board
Availability: In Stock
Series: Mark VI
Frequently Asked Questions
1.What is IS215VCMIH2BZZ01A?
It is a communication interface board developed by GE under the Mark VI series.
2.Does powering down one module of a channel disrupt IONet communication in a multiple module or cabinet system?
No, powering down one module of a channel does not disrupt IONet communication between other modules within that channel. The IONet communication remains intact, ensuring continuous data exchange and system operation.
3.What happens if one IONet stops communicating within a channel?
If one IONet stops communicating within a channel, the I/O boards in that channel will time out, and the outputs will go to a safe state. This safety measure ensures that the system remains operational and prevents any adverse effects on TMR system operation.
4.How does the system respond if two IONets stop communicating?
If two IONets stop communicating, the I/O boards in both channels will go to a safe state. This results in a turbine trip if the turbine was generating. This safety precaution helps prevent potential hazards and ensures the integrity of the system in critical situations.