The IS200TGENH1A contains one long black terminal block situated along the upper left of the PCB. Three smaller terminal blocks which are also black are lined up along the lower half of the board beneath the larger one. Directly in the middle of the IS200TGENH1A are four large square components called relays or contactors. These relays are black and they have yellow in the center of the top. Directly to the left of the relays is a collection of at least six metal oxide varistors or MOVs. Each metal oxide varistor is solid red and circular. Three round white inductors, which may also be known as coils are lined up vertically on the lower half of the IS200TGENH1A. These inductors consist of a coil of wire covered with white fabric. Three connector ports are lined up along the right border of the IS200TGENH1A. These contain small female connectors and are labeled as JT1, JS1, and JR1. The upper half of the IS200TGENH1A contains several vertical rows of small components. Four black half circle shaped transistors have been lined up vertically on the right side. Two rows of four red jumpers are positioned in this area. Each jumper connects three metal jumper pins.