General Electric 531X126SNDAFG1 Snubber Card
Dimensions: 43x17.7x2cm
Weight: 0.62kg
Rated Voltage:240VAC |
Input Voltage Range:0-265 VAC
Input Current:8.2 mA per point
The 531X126SNDAFG1 is a Snubber Card from General Electric. The part number (531X126SNDAFG1) the type of board (SNUBBER CARD) and the manufactures logo (General Electric) are all printed on the face of the circuit board, along with +SV-1. The 531X126SNDAFG1 has one small black square transistor. A transistor is a semi-conductive device that is used to switch or amplify electrical power or electronic signals. Transistors can be identified by the three connection points they have with the circuit board.
The 531X126SNDAFG1 has fourteen metal tabs that stand vertically scattered throughout the circuit board. The 531X126SNDAFG1 has twelve sets of male terminals with white plastic bases and backing. Each male terminal is made up of four thin metal prongs. These male terminals allow for the 531X126SNDAFG1 to be attached to the surrounding circuit boards.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585