General Electric 531X160HFCACG1 HOME/FLAG BOARD
Dimensions: 11.3×5.7×1.5cm
Weight: 0.06kg
Rated Voltage:120VAC |
Input Voltage Range:0-130 VAC
Input Current:8.2 mA per point
The 531X160HFCACG1 can also store energy if required in condensators. Manuals may also refer to these pieces as a capacitor (generally used term in America) or a condenser (widely used term outside of the United States). The 531X160HFCACG1 also has many “one-way” streets in a sense with the use of diodes. The diode only lets the energy move through them in a single direction.
The 531X160HFCACG1 also uses resistors that can adjust the flow of electrical current. Most of the resistors on the 531X160HFCACG1 are known as axial-lead resistors and can be identified by their multiple colored marks. The electrical function of each resistor varies and is specified by its resistance. Refer to General Electric’s manual for the 531X160HFCACG1 for more details.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585