DS200LPPAG1A Technical Specifications
Manufacturer GE General Electric
Part Number DS200LPPAG1A
Product Type Line Protection Card
Series Mark V
The GE Line Protection Board DS200LPPAG1A features 7 jumpers and 2 terminal blocks with 3 terminals on each.
The jumpers are identified as JP1 through JP7. The GE Line Protection Board DS200LPPAG1A also contains test
points. The board is installed on standoffs on another component of the drive. The signal wires that connect to the
board originate on the other component.
Disconnect any cables that are connected to the board, including the signal wires connected to the terminals. Note
where the signal wires are connected on the terminal blocks. This will make the installation of the replacement
board faster and reduces the opportunity for mistakes in connecting the terminals.
It is best practice to remove the component the board is attached to together as one piece from the drive. Refer to
the information that describes the installation of the other component to understand the steps to removing it. Then
remove it from the drive and place it on an EDS protective surface, for example a flattened out static bag. When
you remove it use care that it doesn’t bump against other components or is damaged by hitting the sides of the
drive. Remove the replacement board from the carton and place it also on a flattened protective bag. Use a sharp
blade to cut open the sealed bag but keep the blade from touching the board and damaging it.
Use a screwdriver to detach the old board from the component to which it is attached. Use the same screws to
attach the replacement to the component.
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