The IS200EDCFG1A is a PCB component manufactured by GE for the Mark VI series. The MKVI is part of the Speedtronic line of steam/gas turbine management systems that have been part of the GE lineup since 1969.
IS200ECTBG1ADE IS200EDCFG1A Data sheet
The Mark VI uses a PC-based Operator Interface that has been loaded with proprietary software like CIMPLICITY graphics and GE’s program for maintenance, the Control System Toolbox.
The IS200EDCFG1A has been created to function as an EX2100 Direct Current Feedback Card. This card measures field current and field voltage at the SCR bridge. Field current is measured in the DC field circuit.
The EDCF board interfaces to the EISB board in the control panel using a fiber-optic link that provides voltage isolation and high noise immunity between the two boards.
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