MRac Ground Terrace GT6 suits for medium to large scale solar PV
projects. With optimized structure design, GT6 minimize the quantity of beam to save cost based on structure strength guarantee. The
system can achieve minor adjustment onsite with special design of
Anchor Plate to adapt to different sites. Patented and certified
system design ensure projects safety and quick installation.

Pre-assembled Components Save Onsite Installation Time
Solution design case by case, most components pre-assembled
in factory, no onsite cut and drill request, saving the onsite
installation time and cost.
No Drill on Horizontal Rails
It improves the strength of the system to fix the rails onto the
post by special designed clamps, with force at the same
direction of the gravity
No Portrait Beam Design
Saving material cost, smaller package lead to lower packing and
freight cost.
Flexibility of Foundations Match
Suitable for ground screw piles, concrete foundation and steel
Technology Certification