HIMA H7506 manual
Dimensions :5.1x12.7x 5.1cm
Weight: 5KG
Operating data:130 mA
Output voltage:5-30 V DC
H7506 is a Circuit Breaker manufactured by HIMA.The bus terminal consists of a 25pole Min-D-socket to connect single channel PES and redundant PES H41q/H51q via the data cable BV 7040 and BV 7046.The connections of the 2-wire bus are by means of two 6 pole plug clamps.
By selection of 2 switches the bus terminating resistors can be switched on at each end of the 2-wire bus. If the bus terminal block H 7506 is used at the end of the 2-wire bus then the terminal block X2 cannot be connected.
+86 18030132585
+86 18030132585