Honeywell 51196694-928 ADVANCED INPUT DEVICES

  • ConditionBrand New
  • Lead TimeIn Stock
  • Product OriginUSA
  • Brand/ManufatureHoneywell
  • Certificatecoo/test report/warranty letter


Product PackageOriginal Package

Part Number 51196694-928 


Relays:2 x SPCO


Relay Contact Rating:2A at 12V dc 

Dimensions :10.8cmx6.2cmx1.3cm


The 51196694-928 is a Trackball PS 2 Upgrade Board. AThe Dell-based workstation will provide a keyboard and mouse that may be used to manage the Windows environment that is introduced to the US node. The same is true of the Full Travel keyboard section of the IKB. 

However, if running with an OEP in Classic console, consider adding another kit when ordering. Honeywell offers a keyboard with trackball, deliverable under model TP-ZCFGK2. This kit provides the ability to maintain the Classic console form, while adding the keyboard and trackball as a permanent part of the furniture, providing devices to manage the Windows environment.


  dddemi33                        + 86 18030235313                          18030235313



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