Discontinued by Manufacturer
Product Type
Output Module
Factory warranty may not apply
PLCs/Machine Control
PC Board PLC/Add-On Board
2.85 lbs
The IC600BF905 output module is a 230 Volts AC output module manufactured by GE Fanuc. It is part of the GE Series Six product line. The IC600BF905 output module has 8 individual output points that are all isolated from each other. It can be housed inside an I/O rack or used with a Central Processing Unit (CPU). It has an open enclosure and it should be handled carefully. The circuit board of the module is portable with dimensions of 8.15 x 11 x 1.20 inches and the faceplate has dimensions of 12.46 x 1.174 inches. The on-state voltage drop of the module is 2.25 volts maximum and the response time is 1-millisecond max. The operating temperature of the AC output module should be in the range of 0 and 60 degrees Celsius. The module is certified with several environmental and industrial standards.
The inrush current of the IC600BF905 output module is 7 Amps and has a 5-Amp leakage current under a normal operating temperature condition of up to 60 degrees Celsius. The IC600BF905 module runs with 5 Volts DC voltage and a current of 400 milliamps through the backplane. The front section of the module has the terminal cover and all the output LED indicators. The user terminal block of the module accepts connections from output devices and DC power sources. The board of the module has a DIP switch in the backplane between the output terminal and the installation section of the module. During installation, the mains power should be disconnected from the module. An extraction/insertion tool can be used to place the module on to the I/O rack. 86-18965423501 86-18965423501 AMKPLC