The IC697CPU782-JD is a Programmable Logic Controller designed to fit into a single rack slot. It is capable of controlling machinery and material handling systems in real-time. A rack-mounted backplane gives this device the ability to communicate with various I/O modules. To operate and control this device, use the run/stop control switch or a connected computer with the corresponding software. The IC697CPU782 has a 16MHz microprocessor with the ability to perform floating point calculations at performance speeds of 0.4 microseconds. This device can process various mixtures of up to 12K inputs and outputs and 8K analog I/O.
The IC697CPU782-JD requires a memory expansion board to store user data and program information. This expansion board provides up to 512 KB of volatile memory and 256 KB of flash memory. Volatile memory is maintained by a CMOS RAM battery. To install this expansion board, the CPU must first be initialized by a connected computer. IC697 LAN interface modules, IC660 and IC661 bus controllers, numerous coprocessor modules, various communications modules, and all discrete and analog I/O modules from the IC697 family are compatible with the IC697CPU782-JD.
This device is configured by software running from a programmer computer. DIP switches and jumpers are not necessary for programming. Configuration is possible via serial or parallel interface. An Ethernet connection is also possible if the proper hardware is installed. Either MS-DOS or a Windows 95 and Windows NT computer running appropriate software is needed to program the IC697CPU782-JD. A password protects the configuration settings along with a built-in memory protect key switch.
-Supports floating point calculations
-Single slot CPU.
-12K inputs and outputs (any mix).
-Up to 8K Analog I/O.
-0.4microseconds per boolean function.
-16MHz,80386DX microprocessor.
-Supports IC660/IC661 and IC697 I/O products.
-Programmed by MS-DOS® or Windows® software products running on Windows® 95 or WindowsNT® over Ethernet TCP/IP or through the SNP port.
-Supports up to 512 Kbytes of battery-backed expansion memory in the same slot.
The CPU 782 is a single slot programmable controllerCPU which allows floating point calculations. The CPU782 is programmed and configured by MS-DOSor Windows based programming software to performreal time control of machines, processes and materialhandling systems.
The CPU 782 communicates with I/O and smart option modules over the rack mounted backplane(IC697CHS750,782, 783, 790, 791) by way of the VMEC.1 Standard format.
Supported option modules include all IC697 LAN in-terface modules, several Coprocessor modules, Bus Controller for IC660/IC661 I/O,Communications modules, and all of the IC697 family of discrete and analog I/Omodules.