Insulator Silicon Nitride Submicron Powder, Chemical Barrier Silicon Nitride
Spec: alpha: 100-200nm, UM, 99.9%
beta: 0.3-0.5um, 0.6-0.8um, 0.8-1um. 99.9%
Application for silicon nitride powder:
Silicon nitride has many orthopedic applications.The material is also an alternative to PEEK and
titanium, which are used for spinal fusion devices.
The first major application of Si3N4 was abrasive and cutting tools. Bulk, monolithic silicon nitride
is used as a material for cutting tools, due to its hardness, thermal stability, and resistance to
wear. It is especially recommended for high speed machining of cast iron.
Silicon nitride is often used as an insulator and chemical barrier in manufacturing integrated
circuits, to electrically isolate different structures or as an etch mask in bulk micromachining.
It is also used as a dielectric between polysilicon layers in capacitors in analog chips.
Silicon nitride is also used in xerographic process as one of the layer of the photo drum.
Silicon nitride is also used as an ignition source for domestic gas appliances. Because of
its good elastic properties, silicon nitride, along with silicon and silicon oxide, is the
most popular material for cantilevers- the sensing elements of atomic force microscopes.