Kongsberg RAIC400 | Remote Analogue Input Current Module
The RAIC400 is an interface module between the Serial Process Bus and analogue input signals.
The Kongsberg Maritime Remote Input and Output system (RIO400) uses a Serial Process Bus (SPBus) between a controller computer in the pro-cess network and the input and output (I/O) signals to remote devices such as valves, relays and temperature sensors.
The RAIC400 is an interface module between the SPBus and analogue inputs fromeld instruments.
The RIO400 system provides a cost-effective solution for connecting any number of inputs and outputs to a Kongsberg Maritime automation system, independent of the distance between the remote equipment and the controller computer.
• Up to 32 analogue inputs
• Dual Serial Process Bus (SPBus) interfaces to allow
optional redundancy
• Each SPBus interface ensures electrical isolation
from the control system
• Easy installation and replacement:
- DIN standard rail-mounting
- plug-in connections
• Status LED for normal operation or error condition
• Loop-check and debugging from operator station
and local data terminal
• Short-circuit proof loop current driver
• Dual watch-dogs
• Fail-safe settings activated by watch-dog if communications fail
• Built-in test for self diagnostics and fault identication
• Single units are SIL 1 and SIL 2 compliant
• Line Fault Detection (LFD)
• Earth Fault Detection (EFD)