Lavina Concrete Grinding Diamond Tool With 2 Round Segments for Fast Change System
- Fast
Change system grinding plate for concrete floor with 2 round segments for Lavina grinding machines
- High
performance concrete grinding tools with high level metal diamonds and durable unique matrix
- Designed
to be heat resistant while concrete floor grinding
- Have
much longer service life than competitive floor grinding pads
- Amazing
grinding results on concrete floors from soft to very hard
- Lavina diamond tooling produces
an amazing concrete floor surface
- Round
diamond grinding segments have less aggressive and create more light scratch patterns
- Best
choice for concrete and terrazzo floor grinding applications
- Round
metal bond grinding segments often have an easier transition into resin
polishing pads
Concrete, Terrazzo

grinding machines, Polar Magnetic system grinder, Floor grinding machine,
Walk-behind grinder, Quick release grinder, Fast change machine, Redi lock
system machine