Buy best LGD3303 CAS: 917891-35-1 from ANDSONBIOLOGICALTECH.CO.,LTD
CAS :917891-35-1
Formula: C16H14ClF3N2O
Molar mass:342.743 g/mol g·mol−1
Assay : ≥98.0% (HPLC)
Form : powder
Color : white to beige
LGD-3303 is currently being developed and researched by Lingad Pharmaceuticals. The chemical structure of the drug closely reassembles that of LGD-4033 which is also another SARM that has since been developed by the same company. However, LGD-3303 is still not available on the market the same way LGD-4033 is.
Trials that have been done so far on LGD-3303 show that it has the potential to significantly increase muscle mass and prevent muscle wasting. Although it can be argued that other SARMs can achieve the same thing, it is clear that LGD-3303 is a little bit more effective albeit it’s still in the development phase.
LGD-3303 is a non-steroidal orally active SARM and while its effect in helping with muscle mass and increased androgenic action is huge, its effect on androgenic organs in the body in the tests subjects was very small.
What we suggest you buy instead is LGD-4033 as this is the SARM that it resembles closest to the molecular and effects level.
If you choose to follow our advice you should buy from a company called Proven Peptides. They have a stellar reputation in the SARMs community and have hundreds of positive reviews online.
This manufacturer is one of only a handful that has published lab testing results for all of their products. These tests prove that the products are both real and correctly dosed.
Always purchase directly from the official website to avoid the risk of buying a fake product from third-party sellers.
LGD-4033 best offerHow it Works
LGD-3303 has been developed to help address a wide range of conditions. However, the most important is its ability to maintain the beneficial effects of androgens in improving muscle mass and bone density without side effects. Although the selective mechanism of LGD-3303 and other SARMs is not yet clearly understood even with ongoing research, it is clearly a big leap from the usual anabolic steroids. Once LGD-3303 is injected into the body or taken orally, it will trigger androgenic action on a cellular level.
diagram of the molecular structure for LGD-3303 However, it should be remembered that the human body contains millions of cells and a substance that triggers androgenic effects in each of these cells would have devastating side effects. That is why LGD-3303 is termed as selective. Instead of triggering androgenic action in all cells, it will only target muscle tissue and skeletal cells.
This is the main reason why LGD-3303 has been used as a supplement in bodybuilding and also as a possible treatment for people who have issues with bone density. LGD-3303 could also have other positive benefits. However, because the drug is still under research, these potential benefits are not yet clear.
How it is Administered:
In the test subjects that have been used to assess the potency of LGD3303 as a SARM, the drug has been administered in two ways. To start with, LGD-3303 can be injected into the bloodstream. It can also be taken orally. However, it is recommended that for humans the SARM should be taken orally. LGD-3303 comes in liquid capsules and can be taken using water or juice. The problem with using an injection is that it becomes very hard to maintain the dosage.
Advantages of using LGD-3303:
Although LGD-3303 is still an experimental SARM, there are a few potential benefits that it could offer. To start with, LGD-3303 is able to offer effective androgenic action without affecting androgenic organs. This is a big plus because compared to steroids which were earlier used as substitutes for SARMs, the side effects are very minimal.
LGD-3303 has the potential to aid in increased muscle mass and bone density. For bodybuilders, this is a very important feature. While to be fair most SARMs will influence building up muscle, on the tests done so far, LGD-3303 has been very effective.
LGD-3303 has also been seen to have an effect in improving the metabolic action. This is significant in the sense that people who want to cut fat can leverage on the SARM as an aid to achieve their fat loss goals. However, stacking LGD-3303 with other equally effective SARMs and having a strong exercise regimen is important if results will be achieved.
Disadvantages of using LGD-3303
LGD-3303 is still in the trial phase and therefore it’s not easy to say whether there are any side effects or not. However, so far the review of the drug and its effect on mice have shown it has very little effect on androgenic organs.
LGD 3303 Side Effects:
As LGD-3303 is a trial drug, there is very little information regarding its potential side effects. But the information we have so far suggest that it is perfectly safe to use with very negligible side effects on androgenic organs.
Bulking – LGD-3303 has amazing effects on building muscle mass and in order to get results, you’ll need a dosage of between 20 mg to 30 mg per day for a cycle of 8-10 weeks.
Recomping – The same dosage for bulking will also work for recomping. 20 mg to 30 mg for a cycle of 8-10 weeks will do. However, as research on LGD-3303 continues, dosage information might also change.
Can Women Use It?
Yes, women can use LGD-3303. Remember this is not a hormone and it’s also a non-steroidal drug with no effects on androgenic organs. The risk of virilization is therefore zero.
Other SARMs That Stack Well
You can stack LGD-3303 with the following SARMs:
What is the Half-Life?
The half-life of LGD-3303 is at the moment 12 hours. This means that you’ll have to use the dosage noted above twice a day for the best results.
How Long Until You See Results:
It will take just a few weeks to see results but it’s best to be patient until the full cycle is done. That is when the full impact of LGD-3303 will be visible.
Will it make an Athlete Fail a Drug Test?
Yes, it is possible to fail a drug test using LGD-3303. However, because the SARM is still new, the World Anti-Doping Agency is yet to develop a test for it.