The mechanical water meter LXSG-15D(inner diameter DN15 - 1/2 ") for cold water is the most commonly used water meter with a classical mechanical dial, which offers excellent durability and metrological properties, the water meter is antimagnetic. at a very reasonable price, together with a 5-year warranty.
Outstanding features
1. Single jet, paddle and dry-dial water meter
2. Horizontal or vertical mounting position
3. Forged brass body
4. Hermetically sealed counter, sealed with "O" ring
5. Paddle wheel mounted on sapphire bearing
6. Stainless steel impeller shaft
7. Rotary counter
8. Screen of coarse impurities at the water meter inlet
9. Original design of magnetic coupling with special magnet adjustment and magnetic shielding
Basic parameters of water meters, terms, errors
Nominal flow Q3 - Most important parameter. The meter is always dimensioned according to the flow rate, never according to the pipe diameter.
Dimension DN - Nominal diameter (inside diameter of pipe).
Maximum (overload flow) Q4 - This is 1.25 times of the nominal flow rate depending on the type approval(current MID type approvals) or 2 times continuous flow(older type approvals)
Transition flow Q2 - 1.6 times the minimum flow, transition between the 5% error and 2% (cold water) resp. 3% error (hot water).
Minimum flow rate Q1 - The smallest flow rate from which the water meter meets defined metrological characteristics. At lower flow rates, the accuracy of the water meter is not defined.
Maximum allowable pressure - Normally a water meter at PN10, PN16 or max. PN25 is sufficient. Water meters on higher pressures often have different flanges (multiple holes).
Dynamic range R - Ratio between nominal and minimum flow rate Q3 / Q1
Temperature class - For higher temperatures (hot water) special series of water meters are produced. It cannot be expected that the water meter can withstand thermal overload.
T30, T50 (0.1 ° C - 30, 50 ° C), only for cold water (SV)
T30 / 90 (30 ° C - 90 ° C), only for hot water (TV)
T90 (0.1 ° C - 90 ° C), for cold and hot water (SV, TV)
Mounting position - Horizontal (H), Vertical (V), Other. The "side" dial position is considered a vertical position for mechanical water meters in terms of their function.