1.It is a very popular military waterproof hiking backpack, suitable for different people, suitable for various occasions, can be used to travel, trekking, hunting, hiking and other outdoor activities, for both men and women, boys and girls, It is a general daypack. But it have some system, you can add different small pouch or Velcro on it, make the hiking backpack different with other backpacks.
2.This 3-day travel backpack has four main loading space, the front compartment can hold the cell phone wallet, the key and so on, the middle compartment can put the flat plate and the book, the main compartment can put some clothes and so on it works great to hold all of those just Incase items, like fuses and food, flashlight, anything Incase of an emergency. Plenty of room for a lot of stuff and plenty of separate compartments you have organized.
3.Water bottle mesh pocket in the side(bottle not included).It is convenient for you to drink water in outdoor activities, MOLLE system in the front, you can add pouch, mountaineering hook can be used for hanging small things, the side of the buckle can make this large backpack more compact, more comfortable to carry, you can put some name card or flag in front of the Velcro, make this outdoor backpack more personalized
4.There are two walkie-talkie pouch on the back strap of the bag , It is convenient to use walkie - talkie when you walk, adjustable chest belt can disperse the pressure of this military backpack, carrying more comfortable, and adjustable belt, let the whole tactical backpack fit our body, additional straps around the chest and waist to distribute the weight better.
5.This is an expandable hiking backpack, which can be expanded by zipper on the side. The thickness of the side can be switched between 8 'and 13', and the maximum packet capacity can reach 64L. Can hold more things and the side buckles make it easy to secure it and reduce the size if it's full, and this backpack is waterproof, very suitable for outdoor activities.
Model Name
Military expandable tactical waterproof hiking backpack
Our Advantage:
Quanzhou New Style Bags Co.,Ltd is one of the biggest bag manufacturers in Quanzhou, one of the coastal cities in China. Established in 2001, our company specializes in a variety of hiking bag, backpacks,,travel bags, school bags, cooler bags, shopping bags, laptop bags, waist bags, picnic bags, and medical bags. We export to Europe, America, Australia and Japan.
Due to their great support of our old and new clients, nowadays our factory have 14 production lines and enough production capacity to supply high quality products to all over the world. We now have the great honor to manufacturing high products for Carrefour, Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Champion, Marlboro, etc.
We will keep on our best to manufacture first-rate products and deliver quickly for the clients so as to establish a long and firm and friendly business relationship with. If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us for more information. We are looking forward to forming business relations with you.

Q1: Where do your most customers come from?
A: They are mainly from Europe and North America. Also, some customers from the Oceania, South America, and etc.
Q2: What is your MOQ? Would you accept small orders?
A: One of our advantage is that we have not MOQ requirement.Small orders are welcomed too!
We have special team could handle order orders very well,they are professional and skillful.Usually it takes 30-45days for production.
Q3: As a middle/big-size factory,there must be higher administrative cost,how would you offer a very competitive price to your clients and guarantee the good quality as well?
A: As an experienced company we have stable/mature supply chain,in order to get a special term we do business with all supplier in cash. So our material price and delivery time is better then others.
Q4: How do you control the quality?
A: There are 14 QC staffs and 2 QC manager in our factory,they are responsible for 6 production lines.To guarantee good quality for clients,our QC staffs take care of them from material - production - package - loading. All materials and final good will be tested at our Lab. before production and packed.They inspects the each process and report to QC managers and Sales directly for any good/bad news. Our final inspection for ready cargoes which is handled by QC manager and Sales,the report is comply with AQL 4.0 standard. In the past 18 years we have set up a strict Quality Control System,if you have further question pls contact us freely.
Q5: What do I do if I have a complaint or wish to make a warranty claim?
A: Please contact with your VIP sales who serve you,kindly explain your problem with pictures. We would find the best solution for you!
Q6: What is your difference/advantage over others?
1. Prompt service - 7*24 h stand by & 5-7 day faster sample time
2. Constant after sale service - quality warranty for 2 years
3. VIP service - designing assistance & souring assistance
Q7: Could you produce bags based on REACH/Ca standard? How do you ensure?
A: We are quite familiar with REACH and Ca. Standard,all customized materials could pass it.We could do test for you if you have worries,testing charge would be on your side.In case,which never happened before,we fail the test we would bear the charge and produce all for you!