After-sales service
We offer 12 month warranty after receiving parcels. If there are some workmanship or material
defects with the products,please contact us firstly, we will exchange it or offer other solutions for
you to make a choice.
If you order more than one item, please contact us, we can offer further discounts for you. And if
you find other suppliers offer cheaper prices for the same product, we are also willing to provide
you with reference to their price,even further discounts.
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Sales manager : John Yang
Tel: +8618150117685
Skype :
Every order is worth it, no matter how big it is.
We do it with our heart. it brings the necessary credibility, so we are always loved by clients.
Product details
◉item no.:F1-60MR-001
◉lead time:In stock
◉product orgin:JAPAN
◉shipping port:XIAMEN
◉Brand/ Manufacturer:Mitsubishi