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UNI Optics Co., Ltd specializes in spherical lens, optical elements, custom lens design and assembly in China for many years. We have senior optical engineers team with over 10 years experience to offer you the most cost-effective optical solutions.
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BBAR Coated Hypotenuse Right Angle Prisms
Right Angle Prisms are typically used to bend image paths or for redirecting light at 90°. Right Angle Prisms are Prisms designed with a 90° angle. Right Angle Prisms produce inverted or reverted left handed images, depending on the orientation of the prism. Using two Right Angle Prisms together is ideal for image or beam displacement applications. These prisms are also known as image reflection or reflecting prisms.
N-BK7 Corner Cube Retroreflectors Prisms
Corner Cube Prism also called Retroreflector. It has three mutually perpendicular surfaces and a hypotenuse face. Light entering through the hypotenuse is reflected by each of the three surfaces in turn and will emerge through the hypotenuse face parallel to the entering beam regardless of the orientation of the incident beam. For its special performance, it is often used to the distance measurement, optical signal process and laser.
N-BK7 Penta Prisms
Penta Prisms are used to define right angles in optical systems. Penta Prisms, which provide right handed images,feature a ray deviation of 90°. Penta Prisms are five-sided prisms are unaffected by slight movements. Uni Optics offers a variety of Penta Prisms for optimal performance in the Ultraviolet (UV), Visible, or Infrared (IR) spectrums.
MgF2 Coated, Penta Prism Beamsplitter
Beamsplitter Penta Prism by adding a wedge and with partial reflective coating on one of its leaning surfaces, Penta Prism can be used as Beamsplitter. Transmission/reflection (T/R) ratio of 50/50, or others for Beamsplitter Penta Prism is available upon request.
N-BK7 and Fused Silica Wedge Prisms
Wedge prism is an optical element with plane-inclined surfaces, usually the faces are inclined toward one another at a very small angles. It diverts light toward its thicker portion. Wedge prisms can be used as isolating components. Wedges may also be used to produce a small deviation which doesnt allow return to source.
BK7 And Fused Silica Glass Dove Prisms
Invented by H.W. Dove, Dove Prisms are also known Reversion prisms. When the prism is rotated about its length axis, the image viewed through the prism rotates at twice the prism rotation rate. This is an unusual and sometimes useful property for special applications. Entry and exit faces are anti-reflection coated.
30° - 60° - 90° Littrow Dispersion Prisms
Dispersion Prisms are used in applications that require separating the incident light into its component wavelengths. For example, when white light enters a Dispersion Prism, it is separated into its three components: red, green, and blue. Dispersion Prisms are ideal for spectroscopy or laser tuning.
High performance anamorphic prism
The Anamorphic prisms are used in pairs to magnify input beam size along one axis while leaving the other axis unchanged. The elliptical laser diode beams can be transferred into nearly circular.
High Precision Rhomboid Prism
The Rhomboid prism application for rhomboid-prism is controlling and redirecting the optical path without affecting the image direction. They can be used to displace an optical center line for light beam folding and stereoscopic systems of different sizes.