Digital LED Sign
Our LED sign have been optimized for their unique purpose, working in bright sunlight to the darkest of night, and in the most varying inclement weather. Potted in a proprietary epoxy, our exposed bulb system boasts a super wide viewing angle and fierce color, with exceptional protection from the elements.
Our pricers aim for maximum visual impact. Built to last with +100,000 hour rated LEDs. With just seconds to get noticed by motorists, Guose LED signs still make a lasting impression.
Where can use?
· Billboard
It captures the attention of 75% of highway travelers, with more than half retaining what they read.
A billboard equipped with Guose's striking and easy to read LED pricers will pull drivers to the pump.
· Canopy Mount
Help round out your brand and draw more traffic to your site.
Guose LED canopy pricers turn a prominent structure into an advertising opportunity. Low profile cabinets protrude just 6in. off of the fascia, providing a crisp yet image harmonious display.
· StreetSign
Attract motorists to your store with Sunshine’s LED street sign pricers in prime on-premise placement. LED Streetsign pricers can mount to pole or monument structures, and are available in full new or retrofit cabinets, making them truly versatile displays.
· Pumptopper
Be in the right place all the time.
Keep your customers’ eyes where you want them. Available in custom product configurations, Guose's LED PumpToppers can be POS interfaced to update with your street signs and other displays, maximizing price exposure without increasing your workload.
Product parameters
4" 6" 7" 8" 10" 12" 14" 16" 18" 20" 24"
Red, green, blue, white, yellow
Module size
Overall screen size
Display format
8.888 8.889/10 8.889 etc.
Steel/ gavanized
3 years
Output voltage
DC12V-- red,yellow DC15V--white,green,blue (different color need different voltage)
Indoor , Outdoor, Street signs, gas sation canopy mount, pump topper, billboard, score board, rtc.