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Melanotan II Function and Traits Melanotan II (MT-2) functions by stimulating the alpha-MSH receptor. This is a receptor that produces melanin, which aids in the darkening of skin pigmentation. Because of this action, the individual will tan easier and darker than he would without the use of MT-2.
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Modified GRF (1-29) is identical to the portion of CJC-1295 DAC that is not bound to MPA, minus the lysine. The presence of lysine in a literal “CJC without DAC” in the absence of MPA would have the opposite effect of DAC: it would drastically reduce the active life of the peptide to that of Sermorelin. Modified GRF (1-29) is the same as CJC-1295 with out DAC.
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CJC 1295 with DAC is a powerful growth hormone releasing hormone that can be effectively used with a GHRP in order to maximize the greatest endogenous growth hormone release bodybuilders and athletes are looking for. Even though CJC 1295 with DAC may be a bit more expensive than MOD GRF 1-29 (CJC 1295 without DAC), it is still the preferred and more powerful GHRH component in your peptide protocol.
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Growth hormone releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) is is a first generation GHRP in the GH Secretagogues category of drugs, this particular category includes the peptides GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, and Hexarelin.
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Growth hormone releasing peptide-6 (GHRP-6) is is a first generation GHRP in the GH Secretagogues category of drugs, this particular category includes the peptides GHRP-2, GHRP-6, Ipamorelin, and Hexarelin.
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GHRP-2, like its brother GHRP-6, is a hexapeptide that is a pure growth hormone secretagogue. In addition, GHRP-2 is a synthetic agonist of ghrelin. Unlike GHRP-6, this peptide does not bring on the heavy hunger side effects associated with GHRP-6; however, some users will notice slight increases in hunger. Somewhere in between GHRP-6 and iPamorelin, this hexapeptide has the ability to be a serious contender when considering which GHRP to use with your GHRH.
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HGH Frag 176-191 is a fragment of the HGH peptide. Scientists found that if they truncated the peptide at the C terminal region they could isolate the fat loss attributes associated with HGH. Taking this fragment from HGH, including the peptide bonds from 176-191, they found they had developed a peptide that regulated fat loss 12.5 times better than regular HGH.
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MGF (Mechano Growth Factor) Mechano Growth Factor, better known as MGF, is a splice variant of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1). This hormone is largely responsible for the healing and building of damaged muscle tissue post exercise or any other activity that causes damage to the muscle tissue. Although somewhat simplistic to say, the best way to view MGF is as a byproduct of IGF-1, specifically, IGF-1Ec, which represents the predominant splice in the two splice system created by IGF-1.
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PEG MGF is one of my personal favorite peptides. In fact, it’s the best variant of IGF on the market today when it comes to site growth. Specifically, it’s a IGF-1Ec splice that’s responsible for both damaged muscle recovery and satellite cell growth.
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Thymosin Beta-4 is a naturally occurring peptide present in almost all animal and human cells. TB500 is a synthetic peptide that has been directly linked to recovery as it is plays a vital role in building new blood vessels, new small muscle tissue fibers, cell migration and blood cell reproduction. If you are an injured athlete, all of these properties are something that becomes very desirable when looking to speed up the recovery process.
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This will cause skeletal muscle weakness as well as cardiorespiratory failure. Follistatin 344 is an effective Myostatin inhibitor. This peptide results in material muscle growth. This is a single-chain gonadal protein that specifically inhibits follicle-stimulating hormone release.