Motor Overload
There is a difference between how Kinetix handles an overload condition compared to the PowerFlex755 drive. Kinetix is motor capacity whereas PowerFlex 755 is motor overload.
The Motion attribute, Inverter Capacity, is a real-time estimate of the continuous rated motor thermal capacity that is used during operation, which is based on the motor thermal model. A value of 100 % indicates that the motor is being used at 100 % of rated capacity as determined by the continuous current rating of the motor.
The PowerFlex 755 parameter 940 [Drive OL Count] indicates power unit overload (I2T) in percentage. The value of this parameter remains at 0 until 100 % of Rated Current is reached. At 100 % of Rated Current, Overload measurement begins and the power unit overload fault occurs.
Positive and Negative Overtravel Input
When the PowerFlex 755 drive is in integrated motion mode, Logix allows configuration of the Positive or Negative Overtravel inputs on an I/O module in Port 7 of the drive. After the inputs are configured in the drive firmware, if the Positive or Negative Overtravel Input is activated, the drive firmware generates a Positive or Negative Overtravel fault. When the fault occurs the drive axis coasts to a stop. This fault action is not configurable.