Dimensions :3.5x14x14.5cm
Operating Temp :32°F to 140°F (0°C to 60°C) |
torage Temperature :-40°F to 185°F (-40°C to 85°C)
The AFC module operates as a powerful flow computer module, augmenting theoperation of the processor by providing a dedicated and accurate set offlow calculations.
Supports 16 meter runs with 4 streams per meter run, measuring hydrocarbongases and liquids using currently accepted industry measurement standards.
Calculates flow rates, accumulated volumes, accumulated mass, and accumulatedenergy.
Calculation results are transferred to processor memory and may also betransferred to a SCADA host using Modbus.User configurable, allowing each of the mete runs to be individually set up to meetthe specific requirements of an application.
dddemi33 + 86 18030235313 18030235313