Special Offers
Rain Collection Systems Harvesting Module
Rain Collection Systems Harvesting Module supersedes traditional gravel and pipe based systems by far. The system provides a void space ratio of over 95% compared to 30% in typical gravel and pipe based systems.
Rooftop Rainwater Collection System
Rooftop Rainwater Collection System offers a smaller footprint for the same storage volume, significantly saving the amount of excavation, soil transport, importing clean aggregate and thus reducing earthworks related installation costs, and causes minimum site disruption.
Road Drainage Rainwater Harvesting System
Road Drainage Rainwater Harvesting System is available in kit form making it economical and easy to transport and handle. The lightweight nature of the Tank Modules also eliminates the use of heavy machinery, and makes installation quick and easy.
Rain Catchment System Water Storage Containers
Rain Catchment System Water Storage Containers means that you can create any shape and size of the underground Storm water Structure on sites without disturbing the surrounding site conditions and maximize land use pattern.
PP Material Rainwater Harvesting Tank
Leiyuan PP Material Rainwater Harvesting Tank has a unique low flow design to provide a total linear access, for inspection and maintenance purpose. This system will allow keeping the debris out of the cage structures; allow flushing out and controlling any silt build-up.
Lightweight Underground Plastic Water Tanks
Water is a valuable resource and Lightweight Underground Plastic Water Tanks plays an important role in sustainable development. Because of this, Leiyuan’s rainwater harvesting systems are increasingly included in the standard specification of new buildings.
Agricultural Water Conservation Rain Harvesting
Rainwater harvesting is a beautifully simple concept: collect the rainwater that falls on your roof, store it on site, filter and re-use it in place of mains water. Rainwater is free, sustainable, soft and free of limescale and the use of Rain Water Harvesting helps mitigate local flooding.
Top Quality Harvesting Rainwater Filter
Leiyuan Top Quality Harvesting Rainwater Filter are found in a diverse range of buildings, from offices, shops, museums and visitor centers through to universities, schools and colleges, even industrial facilities, like warehouses and factories. Even hospitals, care homes, prisons and apartment blocks can benefit from having a Rain Water Filter system installed.
Collection And Storage Rainwater Harvesting System
Welcome to Leiyuan, a manufacturing company focused on water conservation by means of rainwater harvesting. Our modular underground rainwater harvesting system offer solutions for multiple applications including residential, commercial, and government projects.
Large Volume Modular Stormwater Tank
Large Volume Modular Storm water Tank plays an integral part of life throughout many drouthy regions communities. In most regions, you cannot have too much source of water, being able to capture ‘free water’ from the sky isn’t just a bonus, it’s a necessity.
Manufactured Rain Water Harvesting Module
Infiltration, detention and recycling tank modular from Leiyuan are at the forefront of rainwater management. With them, rainwater is locally collected, treated and reused, no need to be concentrated in one point to get driven later to a final point where it is discharged into the sea or not treated water courses causing water pollution.
Residential Area Water Storage Tanks Plastic
Residential Area Water Storage Tanks Plastic is a beautifully simple concept: collect the rainwater that falls on your roof, store it on site, filter and re-use it in place of mains water. Rainwater is free, sustainable, soft and free of limescale and the use of Rain Water Harvesting helps mitigate local flooding.
Rain Water Harvesting Module Supplier
Rain Water Harvesting Module could help to recycle the original space and then play the role of save space of your family or the community. From the calculating for the purchasing cost and the following up maintenance cost of water tanks, people could find that the totally cost is very low.
Roof Water Harvesting Rainwater Storage Modular
Roof Water Harvesting Rainwater Storage Modular supersedes traditional gravel and pipe based systems by far. The system provides a void space ratio of over 95% compared to 30% in typical gravel and pipe based systems.
Sustainable Rainwater Storage Tanks
Sustainable Rainwater Storage Tanks system offers a smaller footprint for the same storage volume, significantly saving the amount of excavation, soil transport, importing clean aggregate and thus reducing earthworks related installation costs, and causes minimum site disruption.
Road Construction Rainwater Collection Tanks
Plastic Rain Water Catchment Tanks from Leiyuan Industrial Co., Ltd have the advantages of quick installation and it will help to save working time and improve the time limit for a project. Although the cost for the Rain Catchment Water Tank is very low, the water storage of this product could also reach to the maximize efficiency.
Plastic Rain Water Catchment Tank
Leiyuan offers complete Underground Water Collection Tanks and rainwater harvesting components with field tested dependability. These systems include the highest quality components, separating their systems from the likes of those you may find at a boxed retail location.
Underground Water Collection Tanks
Underground Water Collection Tank plays an integral part of life throughout many drouthy regions communities. You will never have to worry about water regulations or drought when you have your own source of Drainage Cell Tank Module.
Water Recycling Harvesting Systems
Leiyuan Water Recycling Harvesting are prefabricated modular systems made of four small inner panels with plug pins, and four large plates with embedded plug holes. These box-shaped structures are joined to each other and sequentially settled.
PP Underground Rain Water Harvesting Module
Rain Water Harvesting Module can reduce the amount of carbon emissions used, it also have a positive impact on energy output in your local area.