Original new and factory-sealed 6DD1683-0BC0 in stock!!!
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is the ability of an electrical device to function, fault-free in
a specified electromagnetic environment without influencing the environment in an inadmissible
fashion. This design- and EMC guideline supplements the documentation on the individual components.
The SIMADYN D control system consists of individual components (e. g. subracks, modules,
interface modules, operator control panels, position transmitters).
The components can be installed in the widest range of system configurations according to
individual requirements. When the components are arranged in a distributed fashion
(decentral topology) a noisy environment cannot be neglected. Thus, specific requirements are
placed on the design and EMC of the system.
Speak to a sales manager for best pricing & lead time:
Sales manager : Tiffany Guan
Mobile / WhatsApp : + 86 18030235313
Email: sales2@mooreplc.com
Skype : dddemi33