Part Number 6DP1661-8AA
Manufacturer Siemens
Series Siemens Teleperm XP
Model # 6DP16618AA
Type IM661
This is a description of the Siemens Teleperm XP via XU Interface to the PI System Image result for teleperm xp
manual(following referred to as SITeleXPXUInterface). The interface can be run on Windows 2003,XPand later.
There TCP/IP services must be enabled.
A single interface can collect data from one XP system at a time, via an XU. The interface may also be configured to
use a backup XU in the event that the primary fails. The interface will accept data from whichever XU is leading.
The XU is available for connection to two types of OM (“Operating and Monitoring System”):
TXP OM690, previously called TXP-IN (“In Nuclear power plants”)
This has an influence on the way the XU operates internally.
The interface supports both OM650 and OM690.
The XU itself is a computer running SCO Unix; however, the PI-TXP-XU interface runs on Windows 2003 and later
and just establishes a TCP/IP socket connection to the XU via the network.
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