Product Description:
The WF positioning modules together with the drives and mechanics control single operations
and sequential operations in automation systems.
Depending on type of the operator prompting a different hardware and software configurations
can be used. Basically, two configurations are available:
• Configuration with programmer and machine control panel
This configuration consist of PG 730, PG 750 or PG 770 programmer and specific
machine control panel on the hardware side and standard software I-726 and if necessary
standard software overlay on the software side.
• Configuration with monitor and keyboard
This configuration consist of WF 470 CRT or GRACIS display system, monitor and
keyboard or operator panel on the hardware side and standard software I-726 with
standard software III-726 on the software side. The standard software overlay, which
provides more convenience at the interface programming, can also be used.
Welcome to contact the sales manager:
Sales manager : John Yang
Mobile / WhatsApp : +86 18150117685
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