TSX3722101 Complementary
- Number of slots:3
- Primary voltage:24 V 19.2…30 V DC
- Input current:2 mA 60 A
- Immunity to microbreaks:10 ms
- Analogue input type:0...10 V 8
- Analogue output type:0...10 V 1
- Counting input type:Discrete incremental counter 1 10 Hz Incremental 1 10 Hz
- Integrated connection type:1 serial link (TER/AUX) Uni-Telway 19.2 kbit/s 1 Modbus Modbus RTU 19.2 kbit/s
- Realtime clock:With
- Memory description:Flash 15 Kwords data:
- Internal RAM 20 Kwords data
- Internal RAM (with PCMCIA card) 128 Kwords program and data
- Internal RAM 128 Kwords data storage
- maximum size of object areas:
- 1 %MWi internal words
- 128 %KWi constant words
- 256 %Mi
- Execution time per instruction:
- 0.13 µs Boolean without PCMCIA card
- 4.5 µs arithmetic REAL floating without PCMCIA card
- 0.19 µs Boolean with PCMCIA card
- 4.5 µs arithmetic REAL floating with PCMCIA card
- Execution time for 1 Kinstruction:
- 5.88 100 % Boolean without PCMCIA card
- 4 100 % Boolean with PCMCIA card
- 0.266 65 % Boolean and 35 % numerical with PCMCIA card
- Application structure:
- 1 master task
- 16 event tasks
- 1 fast task
- System overhead:
- 2.3 ms for master task
- Protection type:
- Short-circuit
- Overload protection
- Total useful secondary power:
- 16 W

Electromagnetic compatibility:
- Electrostatic discharge conforming to IEC 1000-4-2 level 3
- Electromagnetic field immunity test conforming to IEC 1000-4-3 level 3
- Resistance to fast transient conforming to IEC 1000-4-4 level 3
- Immunity to impulse waves conforming to IEC 1000-4-5
- Damped oscillatory wave conforming to IEC 1000-4-12
- Immunity to electromagnetic interference conforming to IEC 61131-2