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stainless steel 304 Dissecting table autopsy table with weep hole
Product: Dissecting table autopsy table stainless steel 304 Model No.: RD-1517 Description: Dissecting table autopsy table stainless steel 304 Material: Stainless steel 304 for all the material. Performance: ---All the material is stainless steel 304. ---With the weep hole. -- With the water tap.
Dissecting table high quality advanced autopsy table stainless steel 304
Dissecting table autopsy table stainless steel 304 The table size can be special requested. It can be used in Lab; hospital . The Tray/Table Size: 2600*800*800mm;
stainless steel high quality dissecting table cleaning table RD-1517
Model Number: RD-1517;“Roundfin” mortuary dissecting table with the material stainless steel 304; it is the cleaning table. dissecting table
stainless steel high quality morgue autopsy table cleaning table, RD-1517
Model Number: RD-1517;“Roundfin”morgue autopsy table with the material stainless steel 304; it is the cleaning table. dissecting table
stainless steel simple morgue autopsy table dissecting cleaning table, RD-1517
Model Number: RD-1517;“Roundfin”morgue autopsy table with the material stainless steel 304; stainless steel simple morgue autopsy table dissecting cleaning table, RD-1517 it is the cleaning table. dissecting table
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Autopsy Table: “Roundfin” Brand Mortuary Autopsy Table is the series of mortuary and histology products.
High quality autopsy table cadaver table corpse table
Autopsy Table: “Roundfin” Brand Mortuary Autopsy Table is the series of mortuary and histology products.
China supplier mortuary table autopsy table embalming table
Autopsy Table: “Roundfin” Brand Mortuary Autopsy Table is the series of mortuary and histology products.
Stainless steel 304 morgue products morgue autopsy table
Autopsy Table: “Roundfin” Brand Mortuary Autopsy Table is the series of mortuary and histology products.
2017 high quality new model mortuary products cadaver table
Autopsy Table: “Roundfin” Brand Mortuary Autopsy Table is the series of mortuary and histology products.
Hot sale mortuary equipment morgue table corpse table
No brief introduction
High quality funeral equipment Stainless Steel 304 dissection table
dissection table
Stainless Steel 304 dissection table mortuary autopsy table
Stainless Steel 304 dissection table mortuary autopsy table
High quality funeral equipments autopsy table cadaver table corpse table
Stainless Steel 304 dissection table mortuary autopsy table
Hot sale funeral devices mortuary equipment morgue table corpse table
Stainless Steel 304 dissection table mortuary autopsy table
Good quality mortuary devices morgue equipments cadaver anatomy table
Stainless Steel 304 dissection table mortuary autopsy table
Factory direct Roundfin supply dissecting equipments morgue table embalming table
Stainless Steel 304 dissection table mortuary autopsy table
Hospital funeral body washing dissecting tables stainless steel autopsy table
Hospital funeral body washing dissecting tables stainless steel autopsy table