VM600 RLC16 200-570-000-014 Vibro-Meter Relay Card
The RLC16 relay card is designed for use in the VM600 series of machinery protection systems and condition and performance monitoring systems, from Meggitt’s Vibro-Meter® product line. It is an optional card, for use when the four relays on the IOC4T input /output card are insufficient for the application and additional relays are required.
The RLC16 is installed in the rear of a VM600 rack (ABE04x or ABE056) and connects directly to the rack backplane via a single connector.
The RLC16 contains 16 relays with change-over contacts. Each relay is associated with 3 terminals on a screw-terminal connector accessible at the rear of the VM600 rack.
The relays are controlled by open-collector drivers under software control. Jumpers on the RLC16 card allow the selection of relay normally energized (NE) or normally de-energized (NDE).
For further information on the use of RLC16 cards in general, refer to the VM600 machinery protection system (MPS) hardware manual and the VM600 MPSx software manuals.
For specific applications, contact your local Meggitt representative.
• From the Vibro-Meter® product line
• Relay card with screw-terminal connectors
• 16 relays with change-over contacts
• Relay driver inverter logic (jumper selectable)
• Low contact resistance
• Low capacitance
• High through power
• Live insertion and removal of cards
• Conforms to EC standards for EMC